There are other subtle rules about one being an auxiliary verb, and furthermore with which subjects one can use the past tense of “to be” (was/were, negative: wasn’t, weren’t) vs. the past tense use of “to do”(did, negative: didn’t), but it’s not worth creating more co...
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre At this hour, no store is open. y At this time, no store is open. ? ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre I found that the monsters were strong y I found the monsters strong ? ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre you y you'll ? ¿Cuál es la diferencia...
El objetivo principal de este estudio fue comparar la eficiencia entre ambos abordajes en cuanto al tiempo hospitalario, el tiempo quirúrgico, el éxito en la extracción del lito y las complicaciones postoperatorias; al realizar la prueba de la chi al cuadrado no se encontró diferencia estad...
The culture medium was changed every 3 days. Morphological changes were monitored using an inverted microscope and molecular mechanisms followed by comprehensive analysis of kinase activity by peptides arrangement (Pepchip). Interestingly, our results showed significant morphological changes during cell ...
A relation was found between pathological ABI, poor diabetes control, obesity and IABPD. IABPDs have high prevalence, this being greater in diabetics with pathological IABPD. The higher the IABPD in a patient, the greater is the cardiovascular risk....
These buds were apparently dormant during December and January. However, during this period morphological changes related to floral initiation were observed. There was a slight elongation of the main axis and axillary meristematic protuberances formed in the leaf primordium at the base and middle part...
On the plus side, the delayed proposed release date has allowed some of the ship and weapon refactors that were intended for a future release to be added to the 3.0.0. Since our last update, the team has been busy addressing the feedback from our ongoing Directors reviews. With the ...
The people of the Cave felt happiness, tranquility and spiritual delight while they were in their cave. The happiness felt by Prophet Muhammad in the cave of Thawr: The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, felt happiness, tranquility and spiritual delight while he was in the ...
Synonym for we’re all set ! Both would be fine here, although I would opt for « You’re all set » since it retains the distance between customer and employee. « We’re all set » would be better if you were collaborating for a while or had so
However, you would use the first sentence if you were asking if the person is working right now in the present with Sam. You could use either if you mean in general, but not necessarily right now. In this case, the first option would be somewhat more colloquial since the speaker would ...