sorokinaliza 17 ago 2018 Ruso Inglés (US) Pregunta de Inglés (US) ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre was y were ?Puedes dar oraciones como ejemplo. fatmadulek 17 ago 2018 Turco was I you we they de kullanılıyor,were he she it de kullanılıyor See a translation ...
I believe incredulous is a stronger way of saying distrustful, and it can also be used in a positive way. "She looked at him with an incredulous smile" works, however "distrustful" would not really make sense with a happy smile. See a translation 1 like Was this answer helpful? Hmm....
diferencia de pronunciación de la letra "v" y la "b" 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까? Trending questions 더 보기 차이점은 무엇 입니까? take a picture 그리고 take a photo ? 차이점은 무엇 입니까? dramatic 그리고 dramatical ...
PCR is a useful molecular technique to identify transgenesis elements for grouping plants according to their genetic similarity.Cid-Contreras, Roberto CarlosMascorro-Gallardo, José OscarLópez-Herrera, Agustín de JesúsValadez-Moctezuma, Ernestina
Originalmente, las extensiones de dominio se crearon para distintos tipos de sitio web, como .com para sitios comerciales y .net para sitios relacionados con redes. Debe elegir una extensión de nombre de dominio que se adapte a su negocio y le ayude a crear una marca reconocible en...
Pregunta deInglés (US) ¿Cuál es la diferencia entreI’m glad to see you.yI’m glad to meet you.yThey are used when you make an appointment to meet someone you have never met.?Puedes dar oraciones como ejemplo. MeronPang 28 abr 2023 ...
or I can't wait to enter this game! That's just a little bit of context they do mean the same thing really one's just a bit more accurate in certain situations. The best way of saying that sentence I used as an example, however, would be I can't wait to start this game!' ...
Pregunta de Inglés (US) ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre tense y intense ?Puedes dar oraciones como ejemplo. forelup 24 may 2022 Respuesta destacada Inglés (US) "tense" = usually used when someone is anxious, or to describe an uncomfortable mood in a room. Can be used with tight...
Synonym for dwelling Dwelling and residence (the noun form of residential) have the same meaning. But dwelling is a pretty formal word. Probably wouldn't use it in everyday conversation. Residence would be fine to use in most situations but still sounds
Frank is used in less formal contexts. The expression “frank” also seems to be used less among younger generations. You would never say,“Did you lose the baby?”“No! I’m being frank, I promise!”as an example of an inappropriate time to say frank. One last note that I can thin...