While many industrial modernists have already left our world, Dieter Rams is still alive and working.For more than 50 years, he has made an indelible mark on product design.His legacy continues to live even today and encourages young designers to create products that are innovative, functional,...
Did you know that Rams was the first to get rid of instruction manuals?In fact, the renowned designer can be proud of being the author of many firsts.With our help, discover 10 of the best and most famous Dieter Rams designs. 01. SK 4 Phonosuper Dieter Rams的设计理念在设计史上扮演了...
Dieter Rams迪特·拉姆斯的简约耐久设计 在慕尼黑参加 TEI(可触交互会议)的最后一天,和Hiroshi Ishii教授及朋友们从会场出来,突然看到街角,Dieter Rams的展览,可惜已经关门了。德国设计师辈出,随意走在路上都有惊喜。Hiroshi隔着玻璃一阵猛拍,连说:”这是苹果的爷爷啊!”正好最近在研究可持续的情感设计,整理一下大师...
ABOUTDieter RamsDieter Rams1932年出生于德国威斯巴登。他的祖父是一名木匠,这对Rams产生了深远的影响。Rams因早期在木工方面的成就而获得奖项,随后于20世纪50年代初德国重建之际,接受了建筑师培训。在一位眼光敏锐的朋友的提醒下,Rams于1955年向德国电子产品公司Braun申请了一份工作。在Erwin和Artur Braun的父亲去世后...
Dieter-Rams迪特尔-·-拉姆斯英文介绍与翻译及作品一览课件.pptx,Dieter Rams迪特尔 · 拉姆斯内容介绍设计十项原则作品一览人物介绍Dieter Rams迪特尔 · 拉姆斯German industrial design masters.Contracted creed design style of the representative of, new set up 20
DieterRams迪特尔·拉姆斯 Germanindustrialdesignmasters.Contractedcreeddesignstyleoftherepresentativeof,newsetup20centuryindustrialdesignstandardmaster德国工业设计大师。简约主义设计风格的代表人物、新功能主义的创始人和代言人,建立起20世纪工业设计标准的大师 DieterRams(bornMay20,1932)isaGermanindustrialdesignerclosely...
1、Dieter Rams迪特尔 拉姆斯内容 介绍 设计十项原则 作品一览人物介绍Dieter Rams迪特尔 拉姆斯German industrial design masters.Contracted creed design style of the representative of, new set up 20 century industrial design standard master德国工业设计大师。简约主义设计风格的代表人物、新功能主义的创始人和代言...
(1953). Two years later, he left the firm and joined the product company Braun, where he created a legacy. Within the 40 years of working at Braun, Rams produced and oversaw over 500 innovative products as chief of design. Many of his designs are featured in museums throughout the ...
DieterRams(bornMay20,1932)isaGerman industrialdesignercloselyassociatedwiththeconsumerproducts companyBraunandtheFunctionalistschoolofindustrialdesign. 迪特尔·拉姆斯(生于1932年5月20日)是一个德国人 他是和博朗公司和工业设计的学校有着紧密联系的工业设计师。
德国工业设计大师 Dieter Rams 的十条优秀设计准则 【1、优秀的设计应该是创新的。Good design is innovative.】 创新的可能性是永远存在并且不会消耗殆尽的。科技日新月异的发展不断为创新设计提供了崭新的机会。同时创新设计总是伴随着科技的进步而向前发展,永远不会完结。