在众多设计准则中,其中特别受广泛推崇的是迪特·拉姆斯(Dieter Rams)所定义的“好设计的10个原则(Ten principles for good design)”, 也即德国布劳恩公司优良设计十项原则。 Author/Copyright holder: Ged Carroll. Copyright terms and licence: CC BY 2.0 1.Good design is innovative It does not copy existing...
工业设计师的必修课:Dieter Rams著名的10个好设计原则。他倡导“less, but better”的设计思想,认为设计应该尽可能地 “少设计”,剔除不必要的东西。当然,这个思想最早可以追溯到德国著名的现代建筑大师 Ludwig M...
Back in the early 1980s, Dieter Rams was becoming increasingly concerned by the state of the world around him –“an impenetrable confusion of forms, colours and noises.” Aware that he was a significant contributor to that world, he asked himself an important question: is my design good des...
Dieter Rams在50年前提出了好的设计10项原则,广泛应用于工业设计领域,是锻炼设计思维以及制作好的设计做的方式。 添加图片注释,不超过 140 字(可选) 作为用户体验从业者,我们大多数人都使用过 Nielsen 和 Molich 的 10条启发式法则,即使在数字时代,它们也非常重要。随着互联网领域和用户体验领域的横向扩展,用户体...
Dieter Rams' Ten Principles of good design: 1)Good design is innovative. 创新:创新的可能性永远无穷尽; 2)Good design makes a product useful. 可用性:不仅指功能上,还有心理和审美方面; 3)Good design is aesthetic. 美观:美感也是产品可用性的重要组成部分,只有精心设计的产品才值得每天相处; ...
10Principles of Good Design from Dieter Rams “No part appeared to be either hidden or celebrated, just perfectly considered and completely appropriate in the hierarchy of the products details and features. At a glance, you knew exactly what it ...
迪特・拉姆斯是设计界的大师,他萃取出来的十条原则,被后人广泛的应用,并且也有很多人都在借鉴着他以前的产品。我们设计师需要以这些原则作为方向,给我们未来的设计提供依据及启发。 参考链接: 1、Why Creatives Should Never Forget Dieter Rams’ 10 Commandments 2、Dieter Rams: ten principles for good design...
Dieter Rams' Ten Principles of good design:1)Good design is innovative.创新:创新的可能性永远无穷...
简解释Dieter Rams的设计十大原则 byzhao Eric 工业设计师 1)Good design is innovative. 创新:创新的可能性永远无穷尽; 2)Good design makes a product useful. 可用性:不仅指功能上,还有心理和审美方面; 3)Good design is aesthetic. 美观:美感也是产品可用性的重要组成部分,只有精心设计的产品才值得每天相处;...
Dieter Rams_ 10 Principles for Good Design是【VIMEO集(100集产品动画样片视频)会C4D动态设计的女设计师,简直是一个聚宝盆 】韩女动态设计师镇封面的第83集视频,该合集共计100集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。