What Is Dietary Fiber? Dietary fiber(fibre) is the indigestible part ofplant foodsthat makes stool soft and thus enables smooth bowel movements, prevents constipation and reduces severity of hemorrhoids and diverticulosis. Other effects of fiber depend on the type – soluble or insoluble fiber (see...
Fiber intake and total and cause-specific mortality in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition cohort American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2012) P.Cominoet al. Characterisation of soluble and insoluble cell wall fractions from rye, wheat and hull-less barley endosperm flours...
Webel, S.K.Moser, R.L.Journal of Animal ScienceRenteria, J. A., L. J. Johnston, S. K. Webel, and R. L. Moser. 2003. Effect of dietary levels of soluble and insoluble fiber on litter size and sow performance. J. Anim. Sci. 81(Suppl. 2):59 (Abstr.)....
Insoluble fiber remains more intact as it passes through the digestive system. That makes insoluble fiber especially helpful in preventing or easing constipation. Insoluble fiber may also help with weight loss by making meals seem more filling without addingcalories. Sources of insoluble fiber include ...
Energy-adjusted dietary fibers intake was calculated using residual method [39]. Then, participants were categorized based on tertiles of dietary total fiber, soluble and insoluble fiber, as well as fruits, vegetables, and nuts fiber intake of healthy participants. We used one-way ANOVA or t-tes...
Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of soluble (SF) and insoluble (ISF) dietary fiber during gestation on embryo survival and sow performance. In Exp. 1, 43 gilts were assigned randomly to 1 of 4 experimental diets: a corn-soybean meal control (C; 1.16% SF, 9.98% ISF...
Changes occurring in the content and composition of dietary fiber of white asparagus during storage in different conditions were studied (room temperature; 2 °C in polyethylene bags; 2 °C and 95% relative humidity). The neutral sugars and uronic acid composition of dietary fiber was determined ...
The effects of insoluble dietary fiber on colonic carcinogenesis in animal models can be summarized by stating that this type of fiber inhibits, enhances, and has no effect on development of intestinal tumors. This vague conclusion is predicated on the f
aSoluble, insoluble and total dietary fiber content in macaroni (control) and the MPP incorporated macaroni samples were estimated according to the method described earlier by Ajila, Bhat, et al. (2007) and Ajila, Naidu, et al. (2007). 可溶解,不能溶解和總飲食纖維內容在通心面(控制)和MPP被...
Total dietary fiber content of vegetables, fruits, nuts. The table contains also estimated insoluble fiber and soluble fiber content of foods including vegetables and legumes.