Studies of the maternal diets in pregnancy and in lactation indicate that inadequate diets inevitably affect the well-being of the mother, fetus, and infant. Although deficiencies in diet causing morbidity of the fetus, such as rickets, hypoplasia of the teeth,tetanyand anemia, may be corrected ...
A Review of Recent Work on Dietary Requirements in Pregnancy and Lactation, with an Attempt to assess Human Requirements. From a survey of the literature an estimate was made of the daily dietary requirements in pregnancy and lactation and in the following table these are comp......
Results from this Australian pregnancy cohort study showed that most women do not meet their recommended dietary needs in pregnancy. Women who were obese were most likely to have consumed inadequate dietary intakes, and women with university qualifications were more likely to have a nutritious diet....
Understanding dietary patterns in obese pregnant women will inform future intervention strategies to improve pregnancy outcomes and the health of the child. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a behavioral intervention of diet and physical activity advice on dietary patterns in obes...
学术范收录的null Pregnancy as a time for dietary change,目前已有全文资源,进入学术范阅读全文,查看参考文献与引证文献,参与文献内容讨论。学术范是一个在线学术交流社区,收录论文、作者、研究机构等信息,是一个与小木虫、知乎类似的学术讨论论坛,也是一个与中国
Dietary Reference Intakes: The Essential Guide to Nutrient Requirements. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2006. 7. Institute of Medicine Committee on Nutritional Status During Pregnancy and Lactation. Nutrition During Pregnancy: Part I Weight Gain: Part II Nutrient Supplements. Washington, DC:...
TERM 1 Clean water should always be provided except when: DEFINITION 1 1. Profuse vomiting is occurring2. Waking up from general anesthesia TERM 2 maintenance requirements for water for dogs and cats DEFINITION 2 approximately 1 mL water per kcal of ME in the diet per day TERM 3 how much ...
DietaryRequirements-PDST 系统标签: dietarypdstrequirementsvitvegpregnancy DietaryRequirementsDietaryRequirementsForBabies,Children,Adolescents,Adults,ElderlypeopleandPregnantwomen.©PDSTHomeEconomics.BabiesBabies Timeofrapidgrowth First6months-breastorformulamilk Breastfeedingadv.=antibodies,sterile,properlybalanced,conven...
On the other hand, sows in the SBP group had significantly higher lactational feed intake. Weight gain of sows during pregnancy and their weight loss at farrowing were significantly higher for SBP and MFS than for C. Litter size at birth and at weaning was not affected by diets, but ...
In subject area: Medicine and Dentistry Dietary intake assessment with recording over 24 to 72hours enables the dietician to calculate the patient's energy and protein intake and to compare this intake to the patient's optimal nutritional requirements. ...