The largest rhinoceros species, thewhite rhinoceros(Ceratotherium simum) consists of two subspecies—the southern white rhinoceros, which lives in the southernmost regions of Africa, and the northern white rhinoceros of central Africa. There are about 20,000 southern white rhinoceroses in the wild, ...
Rhinos tend to spend most part of the day on feeding while they rest one-third of the day. Like other rhinos, white rhinoceros wallow in muddy habitats to lower down their body temperatures. Scientists believe that white rhinoceros has changed the entire structure of savanna’s grasslands. Read...
White rhinoceros populations in the Eastern Cape: distribution, performance and dietKraai
The woolly rhinoceros(Coelodonta antiquitatis)believed to be around for thousands of years. It had even existed during the Ice Age. The woolly rhino is now extinct but the animal once lived in the northern Asia and Europe. Scientists have found the remains of woolly rhino from the U.K., ...
Optimal foraging theory predicts that animals maximise energy intake by consuming the most valuable foods available. When resources are limited, they may include lower-quality fallback foods in their diets. As seasonal herbivore diet switching is underst
White rhinos are a "near-threatened" species, and wild populations face poaching and sport hunting. The southern white rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum simum, one of two white rhinoceros subspecies, is the most abundant both in the wild and in zoos. A survey by the International Union for Cons...
The article presents the discussion on Dholes, or Indian wild dogs, having reddish to white fur looking like foxes and almost as tall as Alsatians. Topics include diurnal carnivores being fast runners, good swimmers, impressive jumpers and excellent hunters; and Sambar, chital, chousingha, wild...
It is nearly the size of Javan rhino but black rhinos are smaller than white rhinoceros. Read More: What Do Rhinos Eat in the Wild? Rhino Facts Black-Rhinoceros © Distribution Black rhinos once occupied much of Africa—from Cameroon to Ivory Coast as well as in ...
The hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) is one of the largest animals on land, along with elephants and white rhinos. Its name came from the Greek words hippos and potamos, which mean "water horse" or "river horse." There are two species of the hippopotamus: the large common hippo and ...
They have three horn-like protrusions on their head, making them look like real rhinoceros. They can be super fierce. Blizzard iguanas are the result of Axanthic and Albino iguanas being bred with each other and are white in color, hence the name blizzard iguana. Galapagos land iguanas are...