The white rhinoceros(Ceratotherium simum)is the largest livingrhino specieswith the heaviest specimen ever recorded at 3,600 kilograms. The southern white rhinos are the most abundant rhinos in the world with the population of more than 17,000 individuals back in Dec 2007. It is also one of ...
White rhinoceros populations in the Eastern Cape: distribution, performance and dietKraai
The largest rhinoceros species, thewhite rhinoceros(Ceratotherium simum) consists of two subspecies—the southern white rhinoceros, which lives in the southernmost regions of Africa, and the northern white rhinoceros of central Africa. There are about 20,000 southern white rhinoceroses in the wild, ...
White rhinos are a "near-threatened" species, and wild populations facepoachingand sport hunting. The southern white rhinoceros,Ceratotherium simum simum, one of two white rhinoceros subspecies, is the most abundant both in the wild and in zoos. ...
The only living representation of woolly rhino is Sumatran rhinoceros. Behavior Thewoolly rhinoshad used its horns to defend against the then predators or probably to attract mates. It had roamed the northern Europe as well as the arid desert of southern England. The thick skin of rhino allowed...
hippopotamus, (Hippopotamus amphibius), amphibious Africanungulatemammal. Often considered to be the second largest landanimal(after theelephant), the hippopotamus iscomparablein size and weight to thewhite rhinoceros(Ceratotherium simum) and theIndian rhinoceros(Rhinoceros unicornis). ...
The hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) is one of the largest animals on land, along with elephants and white rhinos. Its name came from the Greek words hippos and potamos, which mean "water horse" or "river horse." There are two species of the hippopotamus: the large common hippo and ...
Browsers represent a challenge for breeding facilities because of their sensitivity to nutritional management. Western Derby eland (Tautrotragus derbianus derbianus, WDE) is a large browsing antelope with a very diverse diet. Because of its critically en
from rodents to rhinoceros. They avoid animals with sharp horns (like sable antelope), or animals smart enough to graze in large herds (like elands). Warthogs are smaller than lion typical preferences, but since they are common in the savannas, they are common parts of lion diets. In Indi...
White rhinoceros Ostrich Bushbuck Steenbok Grant’s gazelle Thomson’s gazelle Klipspringer Reedbuck Puku Blue Duiker Sharpe’s Grysbok Baboon Bat-eared Fox Porcupine Aardvark Springhare Fur Seal Climbing Mice Common Mice Crocodile Python Tortoise Ostrich EggsDo Lions Eat People?Since...