Seleniummay be the most important nutrient in adiet for hypothyroid. This trace mineral is an antioxidant and is essential for converting the thyroid hormone your body produces, T4, into its active form, T3. Brazil nuts are an incredibly good source of selenium, but you can also get it fro...
Thyroid problems are incredibly common in the western world. The thyroid is important for overall health because it is responsible for producing some hormones. Sadly, there are no specific foods that are known to be beneficial when it comes to treating thyroid problems. If you want to remain as...
Though there are several possible causes, most often in the U.S., the cause of hypothyroidism is an autoimmune disorder calledHashimoto’s diseasein which the immune system attacks the thyroid. The condition develops gradually so people often don’t notice symptoms for a long time. Related Other...
For this reason, besides removing potentially reactive foods, I believe (and have seen the evidence :-)) that adding in nutrient-dense foods is key to healing your gut and healing Hashimoto’s. Here are some of the foods I have found to be especially beneficial for the thyroid: Green smoo...
Going low carb may sabotage your body recomp efforts and even lead to thyroid issues and hormonal imbalances because your body isn’t getting the fuel it needs. Yet carbs are so often demonized. They are just simply labeled as evil and blamed for belly fat especially. But that simply isn’...
depression is more common in women than in men, due to the changes in hormone levels throughout a woman’s life. Pregnancy, giving birth or experiencing a miscarriage, PMS, menopause are just a few examples. Thyroid problems can cause hormonal fluctuations as well because thyroid is an endocri...
Having battled the problems associated with an inactive thyroid, known as hypothyroidism, I have come up with a number of dietary tips that may be useful to others suffering from this condition. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time, as I was, maybe these can ...
Mary Shomon has been praised by doctors around the country for her medical knowledge and sensitivity to patients' needs. She will be receiving similar blurbs for this new book. There are no other books on controlling your weight problems if you have a thyroid condition, yet over 40% of ...
Will Cole provides a functional medicine approach for thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders, and brain problems. He is also the host of the popular The Art of Being Well podcast and the New York Times bestselling author of Intuitive Fasting, Ketotarian, ...
Hypothyroidism means an underactive thyroid. Learn the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, diet, and complications of hypothyroidism.