Diet is frequently said to be the principal therapeutic measure in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, yet a search of the literature reveals few substantial scientific data to corroborate the claim. What can diet therapy achieve in the treatment of the diabetic? Is there a "diabetic diet"?
First are you guys realizing that this is for type 2 not type 1 diabetes. It seems a lot of the information you guys are talking about is dealing with type 1 diabetes which is just about the opposite of type 2. With type 2 it is mainly caused by Obesity and blood glucose is not tr...
As discussed earlier, doing regular physical activity is the ultimate treatment for diabetes. Though Diabetes is a lifelong condition and is really difficult to be cured, but it can be controlled to a large extent. A regular physical activity is advisable to the diabetic patient because its helps...
Drug, diet and recently spices therapies are the major approaches used for treatment and control of diabetes mellitus. In drug therapy, hypoglycemic medicines and insulin are used. In diet therapy, diet composition, amount, distribution and time of food intake are important factors. The diet must...
First page of articledoi:10.1111/j.1651-2227.1954.tb04249.xJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Acta Pdiatrica
To what extent have the current recommendations on diet for diabetics been implemented for children? The paper discusses two dietary surveys of 100 children with diabetes mellitus carried out with an average interval of 1.8 years. The results showed that t... AF Hackett,S Court,C Mccowen,......
Diet modification is the basis of the treatment of diabetes mellitus (1, 2). One important recommendation is to try to substitute unsaturated for saturated fat. A high proportion of monounsaturated fatty acids is compatible with good metabolic control in type 2 diabetes (3., 4., 5.). It is...
糖尿病饮食护理患者dietdiabetes 中国保健营养(中旬刊)2013年11月第11期临床护理—349—性薄膜、“Y”形连接头。2.3术后VSD管道护理2.3.1保持创面持续有效的负压[3]检查各连接处的密闭状态,维持持续负压在125—400mmHg是治疗成功的关键。负压引流的有效指标为:接通负压后液气体迅速引出,泡沫材料随之塌陷,薄膜下呈现真...