unwarping, slice-timing correction (referenced to the middle slice of the functional volume), coregisteration to the structural T1 image, segmentation (including skull-stripping), and non-linear normalization (4th degree B-spline) to an EPI template in the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) spac...
Somebody said to me that the way she got herself to train for the marathon is she told her first-grade class that she was doing it and they made a chart on the wall, and it was like, “Mrs. Smith’s Training.” She said those first graders were 100% fired up and everyday then ...
As shown in the pie chart in Figure 7, the gut microbiota composition between SUC and HC is similar and only differs in terms of abundance, although healthy children have a higher abundance of genera. This could be due to the fact that only a few dominant genera are plotted in the pie ...
The V3-V4 region of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene was amplified with extracted DNA as a template using the Applied Biosystems PCR system (GeneAmp® 9700, ABI, Foster City, CA, USA). The amplified products were then purified by TIANGEN DNA gel purification kit (TIANGEN Mini Purification Kit,...
Figure 2. Flow chart of sample collection and study design. Table 3. The overall content of the cross-sectional study. 2.3. Questionnaire for Data Collection Timing Activities Group Data related to nutrition knowledge, attitudes toward nutrition, dietE,dluifceastteydle aCnodntsrooclio- demographic...