Count data was used as input into software packages for analysis. Software packages then used total sum scaling (TSS) to calculate relative abundance. DNA sequences were then analyzed for taxonomic composition with MetaPhlAn3 (Version 3.0.14)80, using standard parameters. Species alpha- and beta-...
Method of fatty acid composition analysis was done similarly, as Kuźniacka et al.6 described. Statistical analysis Data were processed using Statistica 12.5 PL software, 2017. Mean values for all analysed parameters and their standard deviations (SD) and coefficients of variation (v) were ...
doi:10.1016/0924-2244(91)90627-UShorttColetteTrends in Food Science & Technology
Analysis of differences among prey species was based on the presence/absence of each prey taxa in each scat sample (Additional file1: Table S3). We also created a relative read abundance (RRA) matrix, i.e., relative species composition for comparison analysis (Additional file1: Table S4). ...
YL is the study biostatistician and assisted with sample size determination and analysis plan. CW created the storyline. RBuday was the executive producer for the online program and guided software development, creation of sound tracks, and programming. All authors read and approved the manuscript....
2.4. Data processing and statistical analysis Batch Recursive Feature Extraction for small molecules was performed using MassHunter Profinder software (B.06.00, Agilent Technologies). Parameters for peak picking were an intensity threshold of 1000 counts, an RT window of ±0.25 min, a mass window of...
Acquired data were exported to an analysis software (Labscribe4 with electrocardiogram analysis module, iWorx Systems, Dover, NH, USA). The electrocardiogram data were filtered by a bandpass filter with a 15 Hz high-frequency passband and a 200 Hz low-frequency passband and the averaged ...
The results of PICRUSt were plotted in STAMP software (v2.1.3)26. Results The body weight changes dependent on the source of the dietary fats To examine whether dietary fats have different effects on the body weight gain of mice, body weight was measured in male mice with different sources ...
The predicted thoracic volume generated by BODPOD software is used for all calculations. Secondary outcome measures Quality of life (QOL) QOL will be measured using the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy- Breast + 4 (FACT-B + 4) tool. This tool has been validated for quality ...
Statistical analysis GraphPad Prism 4.0 software (Statcon, Witzenhausen, Germany) was used for statistical analyses. Body weight, tumour growth, plasma glucose, blood ketone levels and necrotic areas were analysed by Mann-Whitney U test to show significant differences between the KD and SD groups af...