Feece Oil specializes in providing managed solutions for direct supply of Fuel & Lubricants to a wide array of industries. Some of which include Trucking, Agricultural, Dealerships, Landscaping, Municipalities / Governments, Snow Removal, Mining, Excavat
Top Safety Rail 1 Set Discharging valve 2 sets ∮100mm discharging valves No.of Compartment 2 Discharging Pipe 4"rubber hose, 2 pc, 6m long Chassis Main Beams Special design I beam, connected by bolts and nuts with tanker body, removable from tanker body for separate tra...
Users are advised to ensure that they refer to the latest version of this data sheet. It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate and use products safely, to assess suitability for the intended application and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Material Safety Data Sheets...
FG Wilson has built its reputation on providing you with reliable, fuel-efficient diesel and gas generator sets. Our ONE global quality standard ensures that every FG Wilson generator set is built, designed and manufactured to the highest UK standards, to ensure...
There has been research done in a number of different countries linking diesel fume exposure to the work people do and the cancer they get. In the UK, a recent research report, funded by the Health and Safety Executive and the largest of its kind in the world, looked at patients who suf...
European countries scoring best on the index of Scruggs [122] are Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the Netherlands while for the remaining field, there is a sloping tendency from North to South, apart from the UK which scores rather low. Germany It is worth mentioning that Germany takes a ...
The article describes a compression-ignition engine working with a dual-fuel system installed in diesel locomotive TEP70 BS. The model of the locomotive engine has been created applying AVL BOOST and Diesel RK software and engine performance simulations.
In this step, based on the safety data sheet, the hazardous properties of diesel fuel were assessed with respect to endangered environmental components, i.e., surface water, soil and hydrogeological environment, and biotic environment. The methodology works with three groups of hazards for environmen...
Bolbot 1,*, Gerasimos Theotokatos 1 , Evangelos Boulougouris 1 , George Psarros 2 and Rainer Hamann 3 1 Maritime Safety Research Centre, Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G4 0LZ, UK; gerasimos.theotokatos@strath.ac.uk (G.T...
For example, the adoption of autonomous driving-related technology has been suggested to improve safety and efficiency [51]. However, the adoption of this new technology can possibly be expedited if one of the system aspects around infrastructure is changed, for example, putting digital ...