Attempting to operate the car could cause the diesel fuel to enter the fuel line and the engine system, which will make the repair process far more complicated and costly. Please note that leaving diesel in a gas tank for any length of time is not advisable. There are two drainage options...
Every day auto repair shops look for ways to do better, and earn more income, but are handicapped until our Distributors introduce our new marketing strategies and our products make possible. No need to be a mechanic. Our automotive servicing and problem-solving products and its program provide...
I wonder what the correlation is between people who complain about gas prices and people who vote for governments that block refining and transport repair and expansion in favor of that illusive “green energy”. I’ll bet it’s pretty high. Kind of like Joker in Full...
The spray near the injector, in particular, is of great concern when the injected liquid fuel undergoes a series of instable processes resulted from complex liquid-gas phase interactions. This region often referred to as primary atomization region, is the dense-spray area and has been studied ...