The current price of diesel fuel in Pakistan is PKR 258.64 per liter or USD 0.92 per liter based on the latest update from 03-Mar-2025. For comparison, the world average diesel price is USD 1.16 per liter. Pakistan Diesel prices
CEIC提供的燃料价格:零售:柴油数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于شركة الزيت العربية السعودية,数据归类于全球数据库的沙特阿拉伯 – Table SA.P016: Fuel Prices。 查看图表中 2020-07 到2025-01 期间的沙特阿拉伯 沙特阿拉伯 Fuel Prices: ...
注册 论文 > 管理论文 > Diesel Fuel Prices and Taxes on Diesel Fuel in Germany:柴油燃料的价格和税收在德国柴油 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 124阅读文档大小:41.5K1页kendy111上传于2015-04-12格式:PPT Fuel Requirements for Diesel Fuel Injection Systems …:柴油机燃油喷射系统的燃料需求… ...
Below are the prices of diesel generators in Nigeria. You’ll notice that I use price ranges instead of the actual price as factors such as location, season, and salesperson involved affect the price of the generator. This means you may get it for a slightly higher or lower price at the ...
Business, Technology, Equipment, Fuel, Logistics WattEV Transport Takes Delivery of First Two Tesla Semis The Semis will be available for drayage use at the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, the first time the Class 8 battery-electric truck has been used at the largest port complex in th...
加纳燃油涨价,柴油每升15加纳塞地 /Fuel Prices up, Diesel Inches GHȼ15 per litre 中立来源:微信发布时间:2024年07月09日 在7 月第一个定价窗口开始后,加纳的一些石油销售公司(OMC)已开始上调加油站的燃油价格。根据石油消费者商会和能源安全研究所等能源智囊团的说法,这归因于国际市场上精炼石油产品成本的...
Dubai/UAE Petrol and Fuel Prices – Dollars, Euros, Pounds, and Indian Rupees The table below shows the current price in Dubai for a litre of petrol and diesel fuel in several popular currencies (US dollars, euros, pounds and Indian rupees). ...
Argentina President Fernando de la Rua.(to support agriculture with lower interest rates, diesel fuel prices)(Brief Article)ELLIOTT, IAN
Find the latest fuel prices in Austria including statistics on VAT and Duty rates for each country. Average and 12 month change for Austria Petrol Pump Prices.
Prices of diesel fuel increase during the fall, dip in late winter, surge during early spring, and again drop a bit during the summer. Demand for diesel dips in spring and summer as gasoline consumption increases during these peak-driving seasons. In autumn, diesel consumption increases due to...