Generally, there are two basic types of diesel engines: two-stroke cycle and four-stroke cycle. Most diesel engines used the four-stroke cycle, with some larger engines operating on the two-stroke cycle. There are four major stages of the four-stroke combustion engine cycle known as Otto cyc...
4 Four-StrokeDieselEngineSchematic (withoutauxiliaryunits) Fig1 1Camshaft 2Valves 3Piston 4FuelInjection System 5Cylinder 6Exhaust-gas Recirculation 7IntakeManifold 8Turbocharger 9Exhaustpipe 10Coolingsystem 11Connectingrod 12Lubrication 13Cylinderblock ...
The compression ignited internal combustion engine has two main designs: the four stroke cycle, and the two stroke cycle engine. They are both very common throughout the world because of their high efficiency - compare with other types of heat engines. They burn a wide variety of hydrocarbon ...
Near the end of injection at 4.5° ASI, the liquid core retreats toward the injector much like for the heavy-duty engine, which is consistent with increased vaporization due to enhanced mixing after the passage of the entrainment wave. In the case of early injection, liquid fuel also remains...
dieselengine轮机stroke新版exhaust Lessontwo TextHowdoesaMarine DieselengineWork? 词汇 Internalcombustionengine Ignite;inject(injector);fuel;stroke suction;compression;expansion;exhaust Scavenge;Cycle;revolution;Valveoverlap; turbo-charge(naturallyaspirated) Topdeadcenter(innerdeadcenter) Bottomdeadcenter(outerdead...
轮机英语UNIT2howdoesadieselenginework课程.ppt,理解柴油机工作原理 理解四冲程柴油机工作循环 理解二冲程柴油机工作循环 词汇 Internal combustion engine Ignite; inject (injector); fuel; stroke suction; compression; expansion; exhaust Scavenge; Cycle; revolutio
engine's power cylinders and axially spaced relative to each other. The suction port 15 is connected to a discharge port of the feed pump 37 via the interior of the casing 4. Disposed in circumferentially equally spaced relationship, each of the discharge ports 19 is connected by a valve 6...
轮机英语UNIT2 how does a diesel engine work Lessontwo TextHowdoesaMarineDieselengineWork?理解柴油机工作原理理解四冲程柴油机工作循环理解二冲程柴油机工作循环 词汇 InternalcombustionengineIgnite;inject(injector);fuel;strokesuction;compression;expansion;exhaustScavenge;Cycle;revolution;Valveoverlap;turbo-charge(...
A diesel engine includes a variable swirl forming mechanism, an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) control mechanism, and an injection timing control mechanism. The variable swirl forming mechanism forms strong, middle or weak air swirls in a combustion cha
Nor does the two-stroke engine require the complicated valve operating mechanism of the four-stroke. The four-stroke engine however can operate efficiently at high speeds, which offsets its power disadvantage; it also consumes less lubricating oil. 7. 二冲程和四冲程循环的主要区别是产生的功率不同...