Perkins announced the development of the Perkins 2600 Series, a new 13-liter diesel engine platform designed to achieve best-in-class power density, torque and fuel efficiency for heavy duty off-highway applications. Targeting applications in agriculture, construction, and numerous other sectors, the...
Variables that influence PCF include particle effective density, which changes both as a function of particle diameter and OC fraction. Differences in refractive index between semi-volatile and solid particles are also significant and contribute to high error associated with measurement of total PM ...
Specific gravity is a measure of the density of a substance compared to the density of water at a specified temperature. For diesel, this property is important because it affects the fuel’s energy content, combustion characteristics, and behavior in engines. The specific gravity of diesel samples...
LI battery technology has high energy and power density, making it suitable as an energy storage system in HPPs [22]. The features of the LI battery are as follows: specific energy of 75–250 Wh/kg, specific power of 150–315 W/kg, round-trip efficiency of 85–95%, service life of...