Location:lot d2-3, dai dang industrial park, phu tan ward, thu dau mot city, binh duong province Info: 上晴电子(越南)责任有限公司; contact: 傅荣作, 陈瑞煌 tel: 908013899; 平阳省顺安市同安工业区2号路 Commodity:electronic printed circuit board (pcs) Websites:Please log in for details ele...
Industry:taiwan company About Cong Ty Tnhh Dien Tu Jing Gong Viet Nam 晶工电子(越南)责任有限公司; contact: 洪堂钧 平阳省槟吉市美福二工业区na1路g5a-cn座 Commodity:pcb aluminum substrate Calls:2743553993 Fax :2743553994 Locations :lot g-5a-cn, my phuoc 2 industrial park, my phuoc ward, ben...
Cong Ty Tnhh Dien Tu Han Viet basic intro: 欣越电子有限公司; contact: 锺瑞煌, 康济民 tel: 909222265; 平阳省槟吉市美福工业区第c-8-cn座n5号路 Productions :cable tv line equipment Email:s***e(at)vnn.vn Please log in for details...
Productions :contour strips precision material.environmentally friendly micro-lead-free copper products-hollow.class 92 electronic and communication terminals. electrical and automotive terminals Information of Cong Ty Tnhh Dien Tu Va Ngu Kim Gem Viet Nam 越南建通电子五金责任有限公司; contact: 柯重亦, ...