Keywords:microwavesintering;conventionalsintering;bariumtitanate;properties 周媛等:微波烧结高介电常数钛酸钡复合材料的研究 9 绝缘材料2013,46(4) 别为N4、N10和N22)。PVB、EC的质量比为2∶3。 PVB、ECN4、ECN10和ECN22质量分数分别占 总浆料的1.2%、0.6%、0.6%和0.6%。搅拌过程中缓 ...
Dielectric constant of barium titanate powders near Curie temperature. J Am Ceram Soc. 2008; 91:3590-3592.Vladimir Petrovsky,Tatiana Petrovsky,Swetha Kamlapurkar,et al.Dielectric Constant of Barium Titanate Powders Near Curie Temperature. Journal of the American Ceramic Society . 2008...
Dielectric Constant and Piezo-Electric Resonance of Barium Titanate Crystalsstatic dielectric constant of liquidsNature is the international weekly journal of science: a magazine style journal that publishes full-length research papers in all disciplines of science, as well as News and Views, reviews, ...
It allows reliable calculation of the dielectric constant by analysis of impedance spectra for a variety of particulate materials. The temperature dependence of the dielectric constant near the Curie temperature was investigated for hydrothermal barium titanate powders suspended in ethylene glycol or ...
DIELECTRIC CONSTANT AND PIEZO-ELECTRIC RESONANCE OF BARIUM TITANATE CRYSTALS By BERND T. MATTHIAS Laboratory for Insulation Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology T HE growth of barium titanate single crystals and the ferro-electric behaviour of their pseudocubic modification have been describ'ld ...
Ceramic dielectric with dielectric constant 40-1500 - made from barium titanate contg. aluminium, iron and/or zincCeramic dielectric matl. with low temp.-dependence of the dielectric constants, based on barium titanate contg. iron and/or zinc, the novelty being that the matl. also contains ...
As a basic dielectric formulated material, Barium strontium titanate is widely applied to the electron-ceramics field such as Capacitor,VDR, PTC,Optical Glass and Toner. Product Details: Product Name:Barium Strontium Titanate CAS No.:12430-73-8 MF: BaSrTiO EINECS No.: 235-6...
Barium titanate BaTiO3 perovskite structure has a high dielectric constant, ferroelectric, piezoelectric and dielectric properties of excellent, in microwave-band electromagnetic wave absorption through dielectric polarization losses, is with high dielectric loss-absorbing material. ...
The polarizabilities of the ions in cubic barium titanate, although normal, account quite satisfactorily for the high observed values of dielectric constant. A method of estimating dielectric constants from the known polarizabilities of ions is applied to several compounds for which dielectric data have...
It has been reported by Ohsato (2001) that the dielectric constant of Ba6-3xR8+2xTi18O54 (R= rare earth) solid solutions are proportional to lattice parameters or cell volumes. Dielectric constant is also dependent on the polarizabilty of R and Ba ions.Sandeep K. Jaswal...