(Plants) any plant of the tropical American evergreen perennial genusDieffenbachia,some species of which are grown as pot plants for their handsome variegated foliage. The plants are poisonous and the sap is extremely acrid: familyAraceae
Dieffenbachia, also called the dumbcane, is a low-maintenance tropical houseplant. Dieffenbachia plants tolerate low-light conditions and grow quickly in most household environments. These plants grow 3 to 6 feet tall and 1 to 3 feet wide. Dieffenbachias leaves reach up to 1 ½ feet long an...
Rabbits like to chew and scratch objects found in a home; two of the greatest hazards are electrical cords and poisonous plants. Electrical wires should be placed out of reach of rabbits. The decorative house plant dumbcane (Dieffenbachia seguinae) and the ornamental shrub oleander (Nerium oleand...
Keep this plant out of reach if you have small children or pets. Its poisonous nature is the reason for the common name “Dumb cane.” Handle the plant with care when making cuttings and keep small children and pets away from the plant. Check out this article for more information onDieff...
Move the new Dieffenbachia plant to an 8-inch planter filled with potting soil. Cover the newly rooted section with soil and treat the Dieffenbachia as a mature plant. Warning Wash your hands thoroughly after handling the stalks. The sap is poisonous, causing swelling inside the mouth, pain ...
Discusses dieffenbachias, a family of houseplants which are sometimes called `dumbcane' because of their poisonous leaves. Description of the plant; Growing conditions; All-purpose houseplant soil mixture; Root rot, sunburn and other...
The meaning of DIEFFENBACHIA is any of a genus (Dieffenbachia) of erect poisonous tropical American plants of the arum family having usually variegated leaves and often grown as houseplants.
(Plants) any plant of the tropical American evergreen perennial genusDieffenbachia,some species of which are grown as pot plants for their handsome variegated foliage. The plants are poisonous and the sap is extremely acrid: familyAraceae
(Plants) any plant of the tropical American evergreen perennial genusDieffenbachia,some species of which are grown as pot plants for their handsome variegated foliage. The plants are poisonous and the sap is extremely acrid: familyAraceae
aroid,arum- any plant of the family Araceae; have small flowers massed on a spadix surrounded by a large spathe Dieffenbachia,genus Dieffenbachia- evergreen perennial herbs of tropical America with lush foliage and poisonous sap; often cultivated as houseplants ...