The material that comes out from the die in the form of a molten plate goes immediately in contact with a system of thermostatic rollers to allow cooling and solidification. Due to the motion of the rollers, the film undergoes elongation with a consequent reduction in thickness. 2.2.2. ...
The lower the value of q, the poorer the real performance turns out to be. The performance deterioration of valves v414, v414a, v419, v420, and v428 is the element impacting the performance index, according to workflow and maintenance ex- perience in actual production; therefore, these ...
Experiments Destructive tests were carried out to further verify the pressure-bearing capacity of the high- preDsseusrterudcietisv. eThtreesetstypweesroef chaigrhri-epdresosuutretodiefsu,ritnhcelurdvinegriBfyTDthaendpDreLsSsuDrew-ibteha4rianngd 8casppalictibtylocokfs,the hiwghe-rperseeslesuctree...