ResourceNotFoundException Fehler SpotInterruption Fehler InternalError Fehler OutOfMemoryError Fehler ContainerRuntimeError Fehler ContainerRuntimeTimeoutError Fehler CannotStartContainerError Fehler CannotStopContainerError Fehler CannotInspectContainerError Fehler ...
{ $foundVMs = $true if (-not ($NoUpdate)) { Write-Host "Found VM that needs to be updated: subscriptions/$($SubID)/resourceGroups/$($vm.ResourceGroupName)/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/$($vm.Name) -> Updating " -NoNewline Remove-AzVMExtension -ResourceGroupName $vm....
jedepuyd@deb9:~/iox_aarch64_webserver$ ioxclient -v Config file not found : /home/jedepuyd/.ioxclientcfg.yaml Creating one time configuration.. Your / your organization's name : Your / your organization's URL : Your IOx platform's IP address[127...
dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.At line:1 char:1+ powershell -command { Get-DownloadSdkRelease -Name "mo...
sdtdserver@debian-server:~$ ./sdtdserver start /home/sdtdserver/lgsm/modules/ line 134: AND: command not found /home/sdtdserver/lgsm/modules/ line 134: AND: command not found [ OK ] Starting sdtdserver: NOT SET System: Host: debian-server Kernel: 5.10...
{"name":"amazon-ssm-agent","image":"","cpu":0,"links": [],"portMappings": [],"essential":false,"entryPoint": [],"command": ["/bin/bash","-c","set -e; dnf upgrade -y; dnf install jq procps awscli -y; term_handler(...
{ local ok=true i for i; do command -v "$i" > /dev/null && continue Warn "Missing executable: $i" ok=false done $ok || die getopt -T [[ $? -ne 4 ]] && die "Your getopt is not GNU" } :<<'DOC' #--- = syncwww synopsis: syncwww [dir] description: synchronize web p...
Fehlermeldung beim Ausführen von Get-Command in einer PowerShell-Umgebung der Version 2 auf einem Server, auf dem SQL Server 2008 ausgeführt wird: "Objektverweis nicht auf eine Instanz eines Objekts festzulegen" 649451 2216485 Fix: der Re...
gamemoderun PROTON_USE_ESYNC=1 PROTON_USE_FSYNC=1 %command% Graphics:Other Flickering shadows, turn shadow quality to "low" to fix! ► Multiplayer Overall (online):Excellent The game runs excellent, if not better than windows. Minor graphical artifacts depending on version. Custom Proton: GE...
die(_("could not create leading directories of '%s'"), git_dir); set_git_dir_init(git_dir, real_git_dir,0);if(real_git_dir) { git_dir = real_git_dir; junk_git_dir = real_git_dir; }if(0<= option_verbosity) {if(option_bare)printf(_("Cloning into bare repository '%s'.....