Period used instead of comma a,b=1,2max(a.b)#>>> Before: AttributeError("'int' object has no attribute 'b'")#>>> After: AttributeError("'int' object has no attribute 'b'. Did you mean to use a comma instead of a period?") ...
// Assert var viewResult = Assert.IsType<ViewResult>(result);Assert.IsType<OkObjectResult>(viewResult); }[Fact] public void GetUsers_ReturnsHttpNotFound_ForNoRecords() { // Arrange int testSessionId = 123; var mockUserService = new Mock<IUserService>();...
Just Downloaded the Composer-Setup.exe from composer site, and when i try to install it... I get this error: The PHP exe file you specified did not run correctly [exit code 1]: C:\wamp\bin\php\php7.1.7\php.exe The php.ini used by your c...
I did that, as you can see from earlier in this post.Yet a third article said that aximp.exe is not necessary and just add the OCX directly to the project. If Visual Studio 2019 would agree that there is no reason for aximp.dll, then I would wholeheartedly agree as well, but sadly...
Viewpoint:No, syphilis was a disease that had long been in the Old World; it was simply a coincidence that it flared up shortly after Columbus's return from the New World. Since the emergence of HIV/AIDS (human immunodeficiency viru...
After getting over the initial intimidation, the minibuses are actually quite easy and efficient to use – as long as you know where you are going of course. Christine overcame the steep learning curve in our first few months by literally just taking random ones around the town to figure out...
Can “vaccinatable” diseases “return” despite vaccination? Yes. If you are too poorly nourished your body is likely to lack essential nutrients needed to maintain its immune system sufficiently to withstand disease. This will happen regardless of how many vaccinations you have had. This was ex...
As such, when supporters of "libertarian" capitalism say they are against the "initiation of force," they mean only new initiations of force: for the system they support was born from numerous initiations of force in the past (moreover, it also requires state intervention to keep it going ...
While God did predestine from eternity past that there would be a people whom He would adopt as His heirs, this does not mean that God individually selected which people would become those heirs. Instead, He set in motion a series of events which would bring about the creation of this fam...
Cucumber support steps/hooks that return promises, so I would advise switching to only using promises. Also I try to never let a step/hook timeout. If you implement your own timeouts on the step internals, you get a useful error message about why the step failed instead of the very un-...