当你遇到错误信息 "missing script: 'server' npm err! npm err! did you mean this? npm err! npm r" 时,这通常表明你尝试运行的 npm 脚本 'server' 在 package.json 文件中不存在。以下是一些解决步骤: 检查package.json 文件: 首先,确保你的 package.json 文件中包含了一个名为 'server' 的脚本。打...
npm WARN build `npm build` calledwithno arguments. Did you mean to `npm run-script build`? 把指令改成npm run build即可: npm run build
npm WARN build `npm build` called with no arguments. Did you mean to `npm run-script build`? https://www.cnblogs.com/dhcn/p/9842116.html --- 动动手指关注我!或许下次你又能在我这里找到你需要的答案!ZZZZW与你一起学习,一起进步!
@types/lodash autoprefixer babel-loader concurrently cross-env jest jest-cli lit-html postcss postcss-extend-rule postcss-nested puppeteer rollup rollup-plugin-dotenv webpack npm i@didyoumeantoast/dash-components Repository github.com/ionic-team/stencil-component-starter ...
1.npmrun build 无法打包——报错npmERR!missingscript: build 我的package.json的scripts 参数: ->npmrun build:prod --report npm报错 This is probably not a problem with npm,there is likely additional logging output above可能的原因 1npmWARNLocalpackage.jsonexists,butnode_modulesmissing,didyoumeantoin...
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging ou npm WARN Local package.json exists, but node_modules missing, did you mean to install? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 解决方案: 指定到当前目录,安装依赖 ...
npm ERR! Failed at the @ development script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. npm WARN Localpackage.jsonexists, but node_modules missing, did you mean to install? npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: ...
1.10.2•Public• Publisheda year ago This package does not have a README.Add a READMEto your package so that users know how to get started. Readme Keywords none npm i@didyoumeantoast/dash-components-react Weekly Downloads 0
However, when I do a build with Visual Studio, this error appears and the build stops: Error TS6504 Build:File ‘{projectroot}/Npm/src/index.js’ is a JavaScript file. Did you mean to enable the ‘allowJs’ option allowJs is an option in a tsconfig file, I thought this sho...
Failed at the vuedatabase@1.0.0dev script.npm ERR! This is probablynota problem with npm. There is likely additional logging ounpm WARN Local package.json exists, but node_modules missing, did you mean to install? 解决方案: 指定到当前目录,安装依赖 ...