Did you know these facts?Mikky jagaagenshekuEquipper
Second question: was their entire comment negative or did they also include good aspects of their visit to Nigeria as well? Nigerians need to calm down and stop taking offense over every little thing, especially when they know the facts are true. If we could channel all the energy we spend...
Facts About Sweden’s National Debt What facts should you know about Sweden’s national debt? You could wrap $1 bills around the Earth940times with the debt amount. If you lay $1 bills on top of each other they would make a pile26,369 km, or16,385 mileshigh. ...
Cheney's Halliburton and Brown & Root have worked cheek-by-jowl with governments in Algeria, Angola, Bosnia, Burma, Croatia, Haiti, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Somalia during terrible times for these countries. Many environmental and human rights groups say that Cheney, ...
If a political crisis causes another oil spike (say fighting in Nigeria) that will delay the day when the Peak Oil becomes accepted because it will provide an above-ground excuse for why a recession. Martin in Mass. on April 16, 2011 - 8:32am Permalink | Parent | Comments top As Mr...