A lot of decisions that might seem downright crazy to you make more sense than you suspect. You just don’t have all the facts. Credit: Alex E. Proimos If you’ve been in the IT workforce for more than a few weeks, you’ve probably had one of those facepalm moments when ...
“That’s why IBM dove into it three years ago. Did you really think oncology would be mastered in three years?” Barbini said. “However, let’s look at the facts. More than 230 hospitals are using one of our oncology tools. We’ve had 11 [software] updates over last year and...
October 7, 2018: Apple VP of Information Security tells Congress no signs of Big Hack https://twitter.com/reneritchie/status/1049329985968922625 FromReuters: Master your iPhone in minutes iMore offers spot-on advice and guidance from our team of experts, with decades of Apple device experience to...
If you know the name of the person you are looking for, you can use a social media search engine such as Pipl or Spokeo to find information about them. These search engines scour the internet for information about people, and can often be helpful in finding someone’s location. Use an ...
Before you hit the mall this year, brush up on your Black Friday history with these nine fun facts. (They'll give you something to chat about while you look for a parking spot.) This content is imported from poll. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you...