To the students of my MS-600 exam prep course, I want to thank you for trusted me with helping you prepare for the MS-600 exam. What will the future hold with this exam and certification is yet to be told. If you’ve got a question or comment about anything I’ve covered here, ...
return#>>> Before: SyntaxError("'return' outside function", ('<string>', 1, 0, None))#>>> After: SyntaxError("'return' outside function. Did you mean to indent it, 'sys.exit([arg])'?", ('<string>', 1, 0, None))
Hello@julian-smith-artifex-com, i'm actually using the1.24.5, and i still have this problem. I usepython:3.12-alpine. I'm currently blocked at this line : => => # Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml): started You can try with this command : ...
Content you might like Vice President, ArchitectureinFinance (non-banking)19 hours ago Our COE (Center of Excellence) team bridges the developer community and platform development squads. They provide platform roadmap updates, hold office hours for feature deep...
Out of 9 accepted solutions: 2 use somebody else's flow code that can be found on the Internet 1 uses somebody else's full solution for Hard Life that can be found on the Internet According to TopCoder rules, this is not allowed (see "Using pre-written code"here). ...
and I've been getting several compiler errors related to a "write" and a "close" function, along with the use of the "strncat" function. More is the code: implicit declaration of functional 'close' ... That's why you get a red about implicit declaration. ... But unistd does have ...
My picks for what was important, awesome, or worth talking about in 2015. What Does a Robot Want? No, self-aware robots aren't going to turn on us, Skynet-style. Not unless we designed them to. 115 thoughts on “Spoiler Warning Fallout 3 #11: Did you just punch out Jingwei?”...
// babel.config.jsmodule.exports=function(api){api.cache(true);return{presets:[["babel-preset-expo",{jsxImportSource:"@welldone-software/why-did-you-render",},],],};}; Notice: Create React App (CRA) ^4uses theautomaticJSX transformation.See the following comment on how to do this ste...
As you can see, I commented out an attributebackend, because I initially attempted to usebackendas a class attribute, but the same error was reported when usingthis.backend.connect(). After usingbackendas a local variable, the error disappeared. ...
> CANCELED: Reason=Error > CANCELED: ErrorCode=BadRequest > CANCELED: ErrorDetails=[HTTPAPI result code = HTTPAPI_OK. HTTP status code=400.] > CANCELED: Did you update the subscription info? Steps to reproduce: Download Quickstart sample from