“World War Two - German Prisoner of War Camps.” pg.9-11). There were many reasons why clothes played a big part, money, power, and breaking the human spirit (“World War Two - German Prisoner of War Camps.” pg.9-11). Clothing has an effect on who we are and how we perceive...
This was called the migrant farmers in the SWest during WW2.U.S.dropped bombs on Tokyo filled with?V-J day means?V-E Day Blue points and red points were a system of?Over a third of all military equipment made during the war was manufactured by the?
But perhaps it was overshadowed by WW1 , economic privation and subsequent experiences of the 1930s Depression, WW2, and rationing. 12 KayD September 26, 2020, 11:10 am Valididea- what is it about active investors that means they have to sell so soon! Leave your investments alone. I’...
by Julie McDowall - this goes into great detail about the UK's , and to a lesser extent the US's, preparations for the aftermath of nuclear war which largely concentrate on post-WW2 and the 80s. The horror of a post-nuclear society is juxtaposed with the now rather quaint and homely...
Heaven forbid that a child describe another child as “black” or, for that matter, refer to others as girls or boys. No actual descriptors can be used for the fear of “offending” that person, and “offending” someone is incredibly high on the hierarchy of Things Never To Do. ...
It’s actually revisionist history on WW2 that’s new to me. But I started waking up to the truth about Israel, Zionism, Jewish control, false flags, and everything else in 2006 (when Israel was bombing Lebanon). Though I was aware of the holofraud years ago, what started me on the...
US tank troops in M4s had the lowest mortality rates of any land assault force in WW2. 3% FYI. Reply Germán Burgos 11/01/2017 at 11:58 am Greetings from Chile! And congratulations on your fine research work. My native language is Spanish, so plea...