Why did women fight in the Mexican Revolution? Why did Italy join WW2? Why did America enter World War I? Why did France join WW2? Why did Japan's economy grow so much after WWII? Why was World War 2 fought? Why did Japan enter World War I on the side of the Allies?
How did women fight for suffrage? How did the women's suffrage movement change the world? How did German people feel about their nation after World War I? How did World War II affect the world economy? How did World War I change the role of government in the United States?
It’s no great surprise to me that my favourite books of the year would be – like much of my favourite art – by women. Though I think the individual voice is crucial in all of the arts, individuals don’t grow in a vacuum and because female (and, more widely, non-male) voices ...
One aspect of Tank combat that is not well understood is the importance of being able to spot, shoot at, and hit an enemy tank. The tank that gets the first hit in, even if it does not knock the tank out, statistically wins the fight. The She...
Whydidwesend47,000menandwomentoVietnam?Fearofcommunism •Therewasagrowingfearofcommunism•TheinvasionoftheNorthKoreancommunistsintodemocraticSouthKoreawasseenasathreattodemocracy•SendingtroopstoVietnamwasamovetosupportdemocracy SituationinVietnam •VietnamwasonceacolonyofFrance•AfterWW2theVietnamese...
Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor Still Black Sabbath, War Pigs (1970) And that’s right too; but does that mean Butler’s ‘poor’ should take no responsibility at all for their actions? In the largest sense they are not to blame for war or ...
The name for these Isma’ili seems to have been given to them in a derogatory sense, not unlike similar terms today such as “pot heads”, “stoners”, “junky”, “crack head”, and the like. Basically, it was a name given to them as a way to refer to them as “rabble”, “...
Few have the capacity to see what is going on, but Christ The Redeemer is spanning the globe for a remnant of faithful men and women who will FIGHT AND EXPOSE the mass deceptions of demonic Jewry rather than taking the low road and cutting a deal with them. “What does it profit a ...
From 1940 until 1973, during both peacetime and periods of conflict, men were drafted to fill vacancies in the United States Armed Forces that could not be