Biden had said before Russia’s attack that he would be sending more U.S. troops to Eastern Europe to defend NATO allies such as Poland but repeatedly stated he would not send U.S. troops into Ukraine. Some countries had already responded to Putin’s actions related to the Donbas, which...
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was preceded by disinformation and accusations of Ukrainian provocations. While false flag attacks have been used historically to justify war, modern technology and public distrust make such tactics harder to use effectively today. The Russian assault on Ukraine, whi...
Cite this article Oyadeyi, O.O., Arogundade, S. & Biyase, M. Correction: How did African stock markets react to the Russia-Ukraine crisis “black-swan” event? Empirical insights from event study.Humanit Soc Sci Commun11, 243 (2024). Down...
For years Russia has tried to keep Ukraine out of NATO — a Western military alliance thatUkraine has been eager to join. But Putin said it would be athreat to Russia’s security. He has repeatedly said that Ukrainians and Russians are "one people." And tried many times to get a footh...
… since 2015, the CIA has been secretly training forces in Ukraine to serve as “insurgent leaders,” in the words of one former intelligence official, in case Russia ends up invading the country. Current officials are claiming the training is purely for intelligence collection, but the former...
Gabbard replied, “Putin started the war in Ukraine.” It was a deliberate choice of words that warranted a follow-up. Gabbard stated a fact — Putin started it — while dodging the question of her account of the United States’ role in Russia’s decision. In the pas...
On 18 March 2014 Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation triumphantly declared the "reunification of the Crimea" with Russia. However, this was not the end, but just the beginning of overambitious plans to annex the whole South-Eastern Ukraine with its larg...
Using the multivariate quantile VAR approach, Yuan et al. (2022) argued that when the oil market was booming, EPU in China and India had a negative impact on the oil returns, whereas EPU in Russia and Brazil had a positive effect. Another study by Wang et al. (2022) reported that GPR...
Was Ukraine ever part of Poland? Was there fighting in the invasion of Poland? Did Austria-Hungary want to take over Serbia? Did the Polish ever fight the Huns? Did Russia control Poland in the Napoloeonic Wars? Was any new technology used in the invasion of Poland?
As Ukraine ratcheted up accusations that Moscow was involved in downing the plane, it also opened criminal cases against Russia’s defense minister and a Russian businessman, calling both “accomplices of terrorists.” The Ukrainian Internal Affairs Ministry accused Russian Defense Minister Gen. Serg...