It all depends on the level of risk you are willing to accept when working towards a goal. The Apollo program was willing to accept huge risks in order to meet deadlines. The first launch of the Saturn V took place without unit testing of each stage. If they had to tes...
But the February static fire didn't deliver the full power of an actual Starship launch, Musk noted in a tweet on Saturday (April 22). "Still early in analysis, but the force of the engines when they throttled up [on April 20] may have shattered the concrete, rather than simply eroding...
"[The ball's cores would] get hard and brittle" [and] "then they'd probably sit there forever in the vacuum." Shepard acknowledged that the balls had probably "exploded by now," but despite that, desired a happier outcome. "Perhaps the youngsters of today will go...
Presumably it is this close proximity that caused Clement of Alexan-dria, around AD 200, to use a late Hellenistic handbook of the Mysteries (Ch. III.2)to launch a blistering attack on the Mysteries and those who had introduced theminto Greece, whom he calls:‘the fathers of their ...
And if they did happen, they could have had massive consequences for the rest of cosmic history. And then there was light While we barely understand the nature or cause of dark energy, we do know that it can't do much more than accelerate the expansion of the universe. That's because,...
Comets and asteroids continue to pockmark Earth when they become meteorites, or space rocks that survive the plunge through the planet's atmosphere and land on Earth. But most meteors burn up high in the atmosphere, leaving streaks that people call shooting stars. ...