by Julie McDowall - this goes into great detail about the UK's , and to a lesser extent the US's, preparations for the aftermath of nuclear war which largely concentrate on post-WW2 and the 80s. The horror of a post-nuclear society is juxtaposed with the now rather quaint and homely...
frozen in the matrix of dots that made up the grainy newsprint photo, seeming to suggest (at least to Bill) that nothing was over, no one had surrendered, nothing was won, nil was still the rule, zilch still the custom; seeming to suggest above all that all was still lost. ...
Why did the US declare war on Germany during WW2? Why did Germany sign a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union in 1939? Why did Austria-Hungary surrender to the Allies? Why did the Mongols invade Europe? Why did the United States join World War 1?
Those of us who grew up this way (and who raise our children to be fearless) are the resistance against a coddled, helmeted, non-offending society that aims for a dependent populace. In a country that was built on rugged self-reliance, we are now the minority. ...
Darksiders II - basically the above with a more mobile lead, and lashes of Prince of Persia style platforming, an open world to join the dungeons and a dash of Diablo style loot. Its undoubtedly one of my favourite games of the last decade, even though its oh so terribly clear how the...