Why did WW1 happen? Explain why World War One began in Europe and why it became a global conflict. Why did France join WW1? Why was the Treaty of Versailles signed in France? Why did Great Britain and France declare war on Germany?
Where did the Berlin Airlift happen? Where did the steel strike of 1959 take place? Where did the Cherokee War take place? Where were the concentration camps during the Holocaust? Where did Old Imperialism take place? Where is Auschwitz? Where was Marshal Petain imprisoned after WWII? Where ...
Like the Jew who did to Russia what’s going to happen here in Stupidica said (paraphrase) “To lead the opposition you need to control it.” Ron Paul, like Lew Rockwell and the rest of the house cat level courage, bitch and moan all day Austrian School of Jewconomics school are lik...
When my oldest daughter came home after her first semester away at college, she told me how grateful she was to be an independent person. She described the scene in the dorm. “I had to show a bunch of them how to do laundry, and they didn’t even know how to make a box of Kraf...
What caused the Onin War? Who was WW2 between? Describe conditions in Europe after World War 1. What is the history of World War I? What nation was blamed for starting World War I in the Treaty of Versailles? Who fough...
As a result of entering the workforce in World War I, women abandoned Victorian traditions, continued the fight for suffrage, and gained the right to vote. Learn about women's roles before, during and after World War I. Related to this Question...
The Easter Rising:During Easter week of 1916, a group of Irish nationalists led by Patrick Pearse and James Connolly declared independence from Great Britain and the establishment of the Irish Republic. The Eastern Rising was put down by the British after six days of fighting....
Why did the Franco-Mexican War happen? Why was fascism important in WWII? Why did Fidel Castro want to overthrow Batista? Why did Otto von Bismarck believe a war with France would help unify Germany? Why did Italy join WW2? Why did totalitarianism start in Italy? Why did totalitarianism...
Why did the Treaty of Verdun happen? Why did the Ottoman Empire join WW1? Why did Germany lose WW2? Why was World War II a turning point in history? Why did Britain join WW1? Why was the Weimar Republic created? Why didn't the balance of power in Europe prevent World War I?
From 1914 to 1916, the United States stood on the sidelines of World War I while Europe's great powers tore each other apart. America's neutrality was by design, as Woodrow Wilson sought to avoid war. But Germany eventually forced Wilson's hand in 1917....