Did Jesus Exist? A Response to Mythicism By James M. Rochford Jesus of Nazareth has had more of an impact on world history than any other man to have walked the face of the Earth. In their 2013 book Who’s Bigger? Where Historical Figures Really Rank (published by Cambridge University ...
Did he preach, did he have disciples, and was he crucified? Putting aside the stories of the virgin birth, the miracles, and the resurrection, was there an actual historical Jesus? Some scholars say Yeshua ben Yousef existed, but the stories about him are “mythologized history.” The ...
3. The Strangers, Naked, Sick, and ImprisonedSymbolic of those in need whom the righteous are called to serve.4. The Final JudgmentThe event where Jesus separates the righteous from the unrighteous based on their actions.5. The DisciplesThe immediate audience of Jesus' teaching, representing ...
Did you know that the name of Jesus (Yeshua), Mary, Joseph, the names of the 12 disciples, Messiah, Galilee, Passover, Herod, the term “His Cross”, the term “Let Him Be Crucified” and many other phrases relating to Jesus have all been found by Bible code researchers embedded in ...
Did you know that the name of Jesus (Yeshua), Mary, Joseph, the names of the 12 disciples, Messiah, Galilee, Passover, Herod, the term “His Cross”, the term “Let Him Be Crucified” and many other phrases relating to Jesus have all been found by Bible code researchers embedded in...
5. The DisciplesAlthough not directly mentioned in this verse, they are present during these events and are witnesses to Jesus' arrest and the unfolding of prophecy. Teaching PointsThe Sovereignty of GodJesus' arrest was not a surprise or a failure but a fulfillment of God's sovereign plan. ...
That he would be the perfect example of the verse he shared with his disciples. The reality hits that Jesus didn’t just talk about this type of love that he had for others. He didn’t just offer up some kind words and say, “do as I say, not as I do.” He actually lived it...
In the first place it is flatly against St. Paul and all the rest of Scripture in ascribing justification to works…Besides, he throws things together so chaotically that it seems to me he must have been some good, pious man, who took a few sayings from the disciples of the apostles an...
Many people were coming and going, and Jesus and the apostles didn't even have a chance to eat.Good News TranslationThere were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his disciples didn't even have time to eat. So he said to them, "Let us go off by ourselves to some place ...
When Jesus taught His disciples about the principles of giving, praying and fasting in Matt. 6, He cautioned them not to just go through the motions for the praise of men. Three times there He told them not to be like the hypocrites who looked good on the outside, but their hearts ...