DSM-5 Diagnostic CriteriaCriterion ADisruption of identity characterized by 2 or more distinct personality states, which may be described in some cultures as an experience of possession. The disruption in identity involves marked discontinuity in sense of self and sense of agency, accompanied by ...
DISSOCIATIVE AMNESIA: PART OF THE CRITERIA FOR DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER 分离性失忆症:分离性身份障碍的部分标准 Then there is the whole question of amnesia. This seems to me to be a real issue that again the DSM criteria do not sufficiently address. In order to receive a diagnosis for dis...
Mood was examined using the Depression Section of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) [27], which provided psychiatric diagnoses based on symptoms experienced in the last six months, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) criteria. Anxiety ...
(2014), BT activates the fear centre, which can lead to complex trauma or PTSD and the symptoms that go along with it. Furthermore, complex trauma refers to interpersonal traumatic experiences that are premeditated, deliberate, and caused by other individuals (such as intimate partners) (...
That gives you them symptoms.” In his case, his hasty diagnosis enabled the criminal legal system to apply a mandated treatment plan as a form of control and to impose punishments in response to nonadherence. Carter goes on to explain, “I violated probation and all of that so many times...
The exclusion was substantially narrowed in DSM-IV to decrease false-negative diagnoses, but the impact of this change remains unknown. We divided BRDs in the National Comorbidity Survey into uncomplicated versus complicated categories using broader DSM-III-R and narrower DSM-IV exclusion criteria. ...
This image of the suffering veteran dominates modern views of the soldier experience, but was this the case in ancient and medieval warfare? ...Soldiers there had to go on campaign every three years after which they had flashbacksand dreams about their dead comrades, symptoms now commonly ascrib...
*渣翻,机翻+校对,来源见文末Symptoms症状解离性身份障碍(DID)最著名的是分身,即DID患者体验到的与自己分隔的解离的人格部分。然而,在确诊之前,许多患有DID的人意识到有分身的影响,但不一定意识到他们实际的分身。DID患者对他们的创伤性过去和许多他们的分身的活动都有解离性失忆症(身份间失忆症),而且他们经常… ...
ISSTD - International Society for the Study of Trauma & Dissociation 这个链接是关于一个解离障碍的历史已及各种全面知识的概述。很适合作为一个入门阅读,网站英文需翻译 Dissociative Identity Disorder Signs, Symptoms and DSM diagnostic criteriatraumadissociation.com/dissociativeidentitydisorder#passiveinfluence...