c. To make good use of something because of need: I could do with a hot bath. 3. a. To serve a specified purpose: This coat will do for another season. b. To be proper or fitting: Such behavior just won't do. 4. To take place; happen: What's doing in London this time of...
i’ll just keep trying five more minutes, five minutes at a time and seeing if maybe there’s something else you can do. make yourself a pot of tea. go outside, take a little walk. you find find something that’s a replacement.” jon...
“Still, McCain hopes to capitalize on the disillusionment of women who voted for Clinton. The Arizona senator has appeared recently on ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’ and ‘The View,’ TV talk shows with many female viewers. … Aides su...
DeGeneres has called the Academy herself to ask them to rehire Hart, she says on her show. She tells us they still desperately want him, and would do whatever it takes to make it happen. DeGeneres took that as marching orders, it seems, to use her show as the greatest crisis management...