and then Sasuke Uchiha all in one day. As such,there's no way for Itachi to be stronger than him. ... To date, he remains the greatest ninja in the series, and so, he's undoubtedly stronger than Itachi.
According to Ino in an episode ofBoruto, the two shared their first date for a whole two minutes and thirty seconds. We don’t know what exactly happened to cut the date short, though Sakura protested that it even was a date. Regardless of the whole story, we know Sakura and Sasuke d...
**中英版**Part #1 Sakura's attraction to Sasuke. Now, I'll freely admit it. She came off as a shallow fangirl in the early chapters of the comic. 分享8赞 老爸老妈浪漫史吧 zhangjunyjq2 谁能把ted一些很有哲理的总结台词整理出来我之所以喜欢这剧,不仅仅是搞笑,最后的时候ted总会回到生活,...