aIt was to restrain France and thus restore the balance of power, that England allowed the rise of Prussia. Yet it was not until France capitulated at Sedan① in September, 1870, and new German “Reich” was proclaimed in Versailles under Wilhelm I as “Kaiser” in January, 1871, when ...
There is to be a grand review of troops today in Berlin, a great many officer in hotel. An uninteresting ride through North Prussia, saw deer. Virballen frontier, customs Russia at 10 o’clock p.m., had no trouble. Passports visaed, very comfortable night in sleeping car. Porters wear ...
Prussia and Posen West Prussia and Posen (Polish Corridor) lost to (Polish Corridor) lost to Poland Poland Saarland taken over by Saarland taken over by the League of Nations the League of Nations for 15 years for 15 years Which of the territorial losses would have angered the Germans most?