yaml: line 12: did not find expected key 文心快码BaiduComate 在处理YAML文件时遇到“line 12: did not find expected key”的错误通常意味着在第12行附近存在格式或语法问题。以下是针对此错误的详细分析和解决步骤: 检查YAML文件的第12行是否存在缩进或格式错误: YAML文件非常依赖正确的缩进。确保每一级结构...
K8s 报错“error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 8: did not find expected key” 今天在创建kubernetes dashboard的登录用户授权指定名称空间执行yaml文件报错 # kubectl apply -f dev-user.yaml serviceaccount/dev-user unchanged role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/role-dev-user unchanged rolebinding.rbac....
ERROR 2 ERRORRebuildfailed:assemble:"D:\myblog\Eddy-hugo-papermod\content\posts\tech\PicGo_bug.md:13:1":failedtounmarshalYAML:yaml:line13:didnotfindexpectedkey 这个错误提示指向了文件PicGo.md的第 13行,表明在解析该文件的YAML头部时出现了问题。 ---description:"解决 PicGo 图床工具中的 "unable to...
在学习持续集成开发时,镜像打包报错:yaml: line 18: did not find expected key 看了一下并不是什么key的问题,真正的原因是空格不对 tags: - latest dockerfile: Dockerfile 这是改错之前的,网上百度了一下,有人说是空格的问题,我就返回来看自己的,发现dockerfile多空了两个格,实际上dockerfile和tags是同一级...
Installation Method | 安装方法与平台 Docker-Compose(Linux) Version | 版本 Others | 非最新版 OS | 操作系统 Docker Describe the bug | 简述 yaml: line 6: did not find expected key Screen Shot | 有帮助的截图 Terminal Traceback & Material to Help Reproduce
False False failed to decode Kubernetes YAML from /tmp/kustomization-2772309989/charts/src/analytics/analytics-api/templates/sample-api.yaml: MalformedYAMLError: yaml: line 3: did not find expected key. Any help please? Activity stefanprodan commented on Sep 11, 2022 stefanprodan on Sep 11, ...
caused by: yaml: line 4: did not find expected key 第四行是啥? 你贴出来的格式都不对了,没发看啦啦啦啦啦 2022 年3 月 1 日 14:13 3 第四行是user: "tidb"吧,看起来没什么问题,注意下是不是有特殊字符之类导致的helontian 2022 年3 月 2 日 00:56 4 是的 image963×375 74.3 KB 数...
# foreman-rake console --trace rake aborted! Psych::SyntaxError: (<unknown>): did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping at line 37 column 2 /usr/share/ruby/psych.rb:456:in `parse' /usr/share/ruby/psych.rb:456:in `parse_stream' /usr/share/ruby/psych.rb:390:in `parse...
Issue: Encountered a panic error in Docker Registry UI, specifically: “yaml: line 83: did not find expected key”. Steps Taken: Pull Image: Pulled quiq/docker-registry-ui:0.9.2 image successfully. Run Docker Container:…