Did Moses really write Genesis?Russell GriggDid Moses really write Genesis? By Russell Grigg, published in Creation magazine in September 1998.
Did Moses Write Genesis? As stated before, most scholars attribute the authorship of Genesis – and the other first four books of the Old Testament known as the Pentateuch – to Moses. But how do we know this? How do we know that Moses, and not a series of authors as proposed in th...
Did Moses write the Torah: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy? Most Jews and Christians believe Moses received and wrote the entire Torah: five books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. In modern times, Biblical scholarship using textual criticism and other ...
Is Moses in Book of Exodus? Who did Moses write the Book of Exodus to? Who led the revolt against Moses in Book of Numbers? Does Moses die in Book of Genesis? Is the Book of Numbers in the Bible? Where did Moses write the Book of Exodus?
Who is God in the Book of Genesis? Did Moses write the Book of Numbers? What does the book of Deuteronomy reveal about the character of God? Where did the books of the Bible come from? In the Bible, how many testaments are there?
“L’autre fille” byAnnie Ernaux(++): this is the first book I have read by the French author who was awarded with the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2022. The book is a letter the author writes to her older sister, who she never met as she passed away when she was six years old...
If the 4000 years ended when Jesus died, then we would conclude that Adam sinned on Passover when he ate the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:6) and the 6,000 year countdown began. That, then, looks like it also would tie in with the annual date of Passover. And actually, that may be...
Genesis 1:27 NIV For some reason this morning though it has me thinking about how unique every single person who has breath in their lungs goes back to the image of God. All unique, with all our own chracateristics, yet all in his image. So I have to ask th...
Excellent overview of the facts that have been presented...one fact that nobody presents is the fact that Genesis and the fall of man has been totally debunked and even Jewish scscholars have acknowledged that the stories are myths and Moses never wrote them or existed himself...This becomes...
When Moses reached the kid he cried: ‘Oh, I did not know that you were thirsty!’ He cradled the runaway kid in his arms and carried it to the flock. Said the Almighty: ‘You are merciful in tending sheep—you will tend My flock, the people of Israel.’” (Shemot Rabbah 2:2)...