" and "The Greatest Game Ever Played" before appearing in the action figure-based "Transformers" movie franchise. He also played alongside Harrison Ford in "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," in "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps," and in the autobiographical "Honey Boy."...
If I would have voted for Donald Trump, I believe it would have been one of the biggest mistakes that I ever could have made. And the reason for that is because it could have eventually affected my relationship with my oldest daughter in a drastic way. My Daughter Was Sexually Assaulted ...
As ‘chosen ones’ go, Jesus is a pretty definitive example, and whether accepted as history or as fiction, he has an ending which, appropriately for god-made-man, manages to fit with both the stuff of myth (rises from the dead and ascends to heaven) but is also mundane in a way ...
jesus issues helped gross forest fingers experiments employees discussed chair capable broken besides baby adequate yellow wore typical they're supposed shop resolution powerful phil one's object newspaper location join imagination hung headquarters gets experiment escape dominant desk contained contact ...