aA Japanese news report says radioactive water has leaked inside a nuclear power plant in southwestern Japan, but did not escape into the environment. Kyodo News said on Saturday, that 1.8 tons of radioactive water leaked in a pump at Kyushu Electric Power Company’s Genkai plant. 日本新闻报...
In 1979, one of the PWRs at Three Mile Island in the US state of Pennsylvania suffered a core meltdown, but there was practically no radioactive release to the environment because of the concrete containment system. After the 2011 Fukushima disaster in Japan, Ukraine's nuclear regulator examine...
huku earthquake in Japan. Finally, the great quantity of dust and incinerated debris flung into the upperatmosphereblocks out the sun, turning the world dark and theclimatefrigid for years. That should do it. Except lately the idea that the impact’sheatflash could ignite everything has been...
japan instructions instant inevitably haven't god's glad foam father's fail experts experimental ears dressed districts corresponding copy contains constructed colonel catholics bringing bombs bomb attempts arrangements agricultural accounts variable tremendous thanks supper strongly stronger stored staining skills...