"All the evidence available in the biological sciences supports the core proposition , that the cosmos is a specially designed whole with life and mankind as its fundamental goal and purpose.""Simply stated, the miracle of God's finely-tuned universe declares the majesty of His handiwork and al...
Or will we be appreciative even when we are suffering some hardship or setback in this life? As for mankind, whenever his Lord tests him giving him honor and gifts, he says (bragging): "My Lord honors me." But whenever He tests him by withholding his livelihood, he says: "My Lord ha...
Why was mankind created in the Enuma Elish? Why was Hades banished from Olympus? Why was Petra built? Why do third-order Franciscans not support the Legion of Mary? Why were humans created in the Popol Vuh? Why was the Mayan calendar made? Why was the Rose Period important? Why was th...
Did God create a devil? What does the Bible actually teach? To find out let's look back to the very beginning. Open your Bible to Genesis 1:1. "In the beginning God..." God was before all. The next word in the King James version is "created." "God created." He created the...
“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27 NIV For some reason this morning though it has me thinking about how unique every single person who has breath in their lungs goes bac...
Furthermore, some have argued that in this death of the animal, God was teaching Adam and Eve the theological principle of substitutionary atonement. He had told Adam that if they ate of the fruit they would surely die, and so after they ate of the fruit, God should have killed them, ...
First, inEphesians 1:4, Paul writes that God “chose us in Him before the foundation of the world.” Note that the text does not say that we were chosen “to be” in Him (Christ), but rather that we were chosen “in Him.” This means that Jesus Christ is the primary elect one...
*maybe Biblical God should share the Hierarchy layer with Abzu (Anunnaki Creator) , Uranus (Greek Titan Creator) and Buri (Norse) Then bellow the higher Gods we have Basically all Mythos and Cultures have a Hierarchy of Gods, above Mankind and even otherPrimordial Deitiesabove the Gods ...
The author first focuses on both Hesiod's story to reveal the context and then turns to the elegy itself to answer why Theognis choose Elpis as the only good god remaining among mankind and why he substitutes Aidōs and Nemesis with Pistis, Sōphrosunē and ...
Hawking argued earlier this year that mankind's only chance of long-term survival lies in colonising space, as humans drain Earth of resources and face a terrifying array of new threats. He also warned in a recent television series that mankind should avoid contact with aliens at all costs, ...