Does France have a vice president? Did Queen Isabella want to convert Native Americans to Christianity? Did Maria Theresa become the Holy Roman Emperor? Was New France in Canada? Continentalists wanted the United States to ___? Did Henry VII marry into the French royal family? Did...
Only time will tell, but in that time I will no longer be the me that was most receptive to their music and the band will have to compete with far more music (old, new, whatever) than they ever did when I obsessively listened to them. Then I had no way of getting their work ...
Did Isabella of France have an affair with William Wallace? Did William Wallace win the battle of Falkirk? Did William Wallace ever shout "freedom"? Did Miguel Hidalgo get married? Was William Wallace held in the Tower of London? Are there descendants of William Wallace?
Ever wondered where the term, ‘Rule of thumb’ came from? It derived from old British legal traditions which considered a husband the ruler of his wife. Once married a husband could be held legally liable for his wife’s conduct in early modern times and as such, it was a widely held...
‘He appears to have been trusted,’ said a source. Indeed, Sunak was made a partner two years later. Contemporaries remember him ever-ready to meet and greet; a mixture of a junior, deputy and a bag carrier; the perfect foil to Hohn’s bolshy swagger. ‘Ridiculously nice.’‘Affable....
you can see, with the help of other poets, Shakespeare built upon his opportunity to become successful. However, he did not make his plays just like any other. He used a totally different voice that no one ever has heard. He didn’t disguise himself in his writing, but instead, ...
Queen Elizabeth I wore loose hair at her coronation… to advertise her virgin status as part of her power, both sexual and temporal. Brides also wore it. Virgin saints in pictures wear it. Respectable matrons might even have their portraits painted with their hair down, in a double feminine...
The bible was being made more accessible than ever. One of the things that led to more people interpreting the bible is that it was translated into everyday language. Another was the fact that the printing press was enabled that allowed multiple copies of the bible to be made. Previous to...
Thus died Queen Mary, aged a little above 44 years. She was eminent for beauty, for talents, and accomplishments, nor is there reason to doubt her natural goodness of heart, and courageous manliness of disposition. Yet she was in every sense one of the most unhappy Princesses that ever liv...
Did Isabella of France have an affair with William Wallace? Was Leif Erikson before Christopher Columbus? Did John Knox plot against Queen Elizabeth? Did Leif Erikson kill anyone? Was Christopher Columbus a Freemason? Did Christopher Columbus have a son?