The Epic Games Store overall has been an experience that Epic is obviously putting their big fat Fortnite profits towards bringing people to and getting initial customers from, but not so much into making an easy or pleasant thing to use. I’ll keep going for it as long as it continues t...
Don’t be fooled by those minimum requirements:Fortniteis a surprisingly demanding game, especially without a GPU. That doesn’t mean we didn’t get it to work — it just required a little extra attention. TheFortniteart style helps mitigate lower-end graphics settings. We managed an average...
Rocky made a tweet on May 25, 2022, stating that the judgment of the cycle is: the first quarter of 2023 is the bottom of the Kondratieff cycle, and the real outbreak will occur after the end of the rate cut and the start of QE, continuing until the end of the third quarter of 20...
It's not about gore, being able to kill everyone in hospital and feel good about it. It's actually opposite, knowing you can do things but not doing them, being able to hold yourself, if you see wounded enemy soldier who just shot a medic that tried to help him but you also see t...
Circling back to Haven Studios and its forthcoming AAA multiplayer game, it seems most likely that the game would be a free-to-play battle-royale style shooter in the vein of Fortnite. Of course, that is mere speculation at this point, but it will be interesting to see what this new st...