Della Reese 共7018首音乐 294个专辑 查看 所属专辑:Love for Sale 声明:版权属于各音乐平台,本站非营利性平台!本站不存储任何音频,本站仅测试! 歌词下载,MP3下载地址↓↓↓ 免费音乐下载(点击获取下载链接) LRC歌词下载(或右键链接另存为) 文本歌词下载(或右键链接另存为) ...
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Della Reese - How Did He Look 专辑: Why Don't You Do Right 歌手:Della Reese How did he look Did he look happy While they were dancing did he whisper things in her ear And did he light her cigarette was he attentive The way he used to be with me What was she like Was ...