Protestant Reformation: A period in European history that spans from the early 1500s to the mid-1600s. This period was characterized by the schism in the Catholic Church that resulted in the formation of Protestantism. Answer and Explanation: ...
La Peyrère was a lawyer by training and a Calvinist by upbringing, though he later converted to Catholicism. Peyrere wrote the "Praeadamitae" book which was banned and burned everywhere for various heretical claims, including Moses did not write the Torah, and that no accurate copy of th...
So whatever is happening in the Middle East isn’t ‘Judaism versus Islam’ or even ‘Israel versus Palestine’, any more than “the Troubles”* were/are ‘Protestantism versus Catholicism’ or ‘Britain versus Ireland’. * a euphemism, which, like most names for these things is partly a ...
For many, Halloween is some extension of witchcraft and paganism. It's a holiday, some Christians believe, that is celebrated by Satanists. It is also abig part of Christianity, specifically Roman Catholicism. ... The English have a similar phrase, “All Hallows' Eve,” with the same meani...
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