That book had – still has in fact – painted illustrations that I remember vividly; ancient Sumerians, Julius Caesar being stabbed to death in the forum, ancient Greek ladies in strange clothes that exposed their breasts; mysteriously exciting even to an 8 year old, Genghis Khan on his ...
If you are trying, for instance, to pass the blame for an assault from a criminal on to their victim, you might want a headline that says “X stabbed after drug and alcohol binge” rather than “Celebrity kills X.” You kind of see Orwell’s point though. Never use a foreign phrase,...
Where was Julius Caesar when he was stabbed? Where was Diocletian born? Where did Ibn Battuta live? Where was Virgil born? Where did Zoroaster live? Where did the Khoikhoi live? Where did Albrecht Durer live? Where did King Louis XVI live? Where did Menes live? Where did Empress Theodora...
Granted, Caesar, stabbed twenty three times by his peers in the Senate chamber, has the cause-and-effect narrative of myth; but it’s an ambiguous story where the hero is the villain, depending on your point of view. Whatever one’s point of view in The Lord of the Rings or Harry ...