Noted author and activist Robin Morgan started life as a baby model and, by the ripe old age of 4, the talented youngster landed her own New York City radio program, "The Robin Morgan Show." After appearances on a number of television dramas, Morgan was cast as youngest daughter Dagmar H...
The diminutive Rooney first appeared in films when he was 3 years old, playing a cigar-smoking shyster in the 1926 short "Not to Be Trusted." Rooney starred in the 1938 film "Boys Town" as bad boy Whitey Marsh and partnered with Judy Garland in several movie musicals. Rooney continued ...
Noted author and activist Robin Morgan started life as a baby model and, by the ripe old age of 4, the talented youngster landed her own New York City radio program, "The Robin Morgan Show." After appearances on a number of television dramas, Morgan was cast as youngest daughter Dagmar H...
two Golden Globes, a Primetime Emmy, and countless other awards. He first appeared in his parents' vaudeville act as a toddler and as a teenager won stardom in "Boys Town" and in movies with Judy Garland and Elizabeth Taylor. His most famous roles included...