Did Assyria conquer Egypt? Were the Hittites in Mesopotamia? How was the Byzantine Empire crushed by the Persian Empire? How did the Romans defeat Boudicca? How did Hammurabi improve Babylon? Who was the king of Mesopotamia? How did the Assyrian Siege of Jerusalem end?
What helped Assyria build an empire in Mesopotamia? How was the Assyrian Empire governed? Did the Babylonian Empire start in 900 BCEE? Who founded the Neo-Assyrian Empire? How did the Chaldean Empire defeat the Assyrian Empire? Did King Nebuchadnezzar II rule the Assyrian Empire?
The Middle Assyrian Empire began with the rise of Ashur-uballit to the thrown of Assyria around 1360 BC and ended around 1047 BC. The main cities were Ashur, Ninevah, and Nimrud, with Ashur still the capital. The empire declined around 1047 BC after the reign of Tiglath-Pileser I. So...
When did Nebuchadnezzar II commission the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? When did the Amorites conquer Mesopotamia? When was the Babylonian Captivity? When did the Assyrians conquer Mesopotamia? When did Assyria conquer Egypt? When did the Sassanid Empire fall?
When did King Ashurbanipal of Assyria live? When was the Babylonian Empire under King Nebuchadnezzar? When did Hammurabi become king? When did King Hammurabi rule? When did the Amorites conquer Mesopotamia? When did the Hittites conquer Babylon?
When did the Romans completely defeat the Gauls? When did the Vandals convert to Christianity? When did Rome conquer Greece? When did the Vandals enter North Africa? When did the Huns push Germanic tribes into Rome? When did the barbarians invade the Roman Empire?
When was Assyria founded? When did the Gauls start writing? When was Carthage founded? When did ancient history begin? When did the Visigoths and Vandals invade Rome? When did the Hittites exist? When was Hadrian born? When did the Shang Dynasty begin?
Was Babylonia part of the Persian Empire? Was Ancient Greece next to the Persian Empire? Did Assyria conquer Egypt? Who conquered Egypt during the Middle Kingdom? Was the Persian Empire monotheistic? Did the Persian Empire have emperors?
Who did Assyria conquer? What was Charlemagne's greatest military victory? What was Charlemagne's empire ultimately based on? Where did the Huns attack Rome? What did the Incan emperor do to suppress unrest? Which tribes did Charlemagne conquer? What was the investiture struggle in the Holy Rom...
Did the Persian Empire defeat Babylon? How did the Ionian Revolt cause the Persian Wars? How did Xerxes become king? How did the Macedonians and Greeks conquer the Persian Empire? How did Askia Muhammad shape the Songhai Empire? How was the Babylonian Empire formed?