If excessive government indebtedness is a major source of the problem, why increase the government debt? Why does it appear at times that the national debt of the US is not taken seriously by politicians? Why is America in so much debt and wha...
The integration of the state pension system into the government accounts gave the central government access to a large amount of savings, much of which was stored in government bonds. The government used some of this fund to pay off part of the national debt. It also sold off state-owned ...
Has a country ever conquered a creditor to avoid repaying a debt? What if governments print money in secret to pay off parts of a country's debt until the debt is fully paid? How is it that America can have so much debt yet still be so wealthy?
The growth of “National Identity” was spurred soon after Declaration of Independence. This happened because patriots who were loyal to America though. Some others were not as loyal to America. These people are called the loyalists; they aren't loyal to America, they are loyal to Britain. ...
more assistant midwives per capita correspond to larger declines in maternal mortality, suggesting the importance of the training of midwives by health units. This investigation provides a window into Latin America more broadly, since most countries in Latin America subsequently adopted public health ...
Free Essay: Music in the 1930s distracted everyone from what was actually going on. It made the people happy and that is all the leaders of America wanted...
Text 1 On the heels of its recent decision to criminalize consumers who rip songs from albums they have purchased to their computers (or iPods), the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has now gone one step further and declared that "remembering songs" using your brain is crimin...
After his death I still had money to pay his final expenses, pay off the loan that was against the policy, finish paying tuition and graduate, and get a very good job. Also, still had a nice little start to continue building my financial foundation and purchase a home, my own whole ...
Nineteenth-century America also went in heavily for industrial planning — occasionally under that name but more often in the name of national defence. The military was the excuse for what is today termed rebuilding infrastructure, picking winners, promoting research, and co-ordinating industrial growt...
America Has Changed. It’s amazing to look at the shifts over time. The move from manufacturing to services is well known, but that’s only the start of the story. mattstiles: After 72 years, the U.S. Census Bureau today released data from its decennial count in 1940. The release ...